commercial property

5 Checks before buying a Commercial Property in the UK

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So, you want to get into commercial real estate? It’s not a bad idea if you do it right! But before spending a lot of cash on any commercial property, there are some crucial boxes to tick off first.

Location is priority number one – you can’t overlook that make-or-break factor. Is the area convenient for potential customers and employees to access? Take a good look at nearby amenities like restaurants, public transit, highways and such too. And scope out the competition while you’re at it – having ten rivals in a two-block radius probably ain’t ideal for profits.

Next up, you need to dig into those all-important rental rates for the neighbourhood. Get the inside scoop from local property managers and real estate agents. Your goal is landing tenants at fair market prices – not overpaying out the wazoo for a dud location.

Speaking of tenants, if the property has any existing leases, study those babies with a fine-tooth comb. Check out lease terms, any renewal language, and how the rent rates actually compare these days. A solid track record of on-time payments from quality long-term tenants is pure gold.

Tips for UK Commercial Property Loans

Let’s be real here – most investors need a loan to finance these big-ticket property purchases? But you can’t just walk into any old bank expecting approvals for commercial property finance. Commercial loans are a whole different animal with way more hoops to jump through.

Lenders want proof you can comfortably cover those monthly payments. So get those business financial records and credit reports sparkling clean beforehand. They’ll also absolutely check if you have any relevant experience managing similar commercial properties already.

No matter what though, you need to shop and compare terms from multiple lenders. Analyse those interest rates and fee structures with a magnifying glass. Even just shaving off half a percentage point can translate into massive long-term savings.

Location Check

When scoping out potential properties, location should be a top priority. You need a spot that’s stupid-easy for people to access – we’re talking high visibility from main roads, plenty of parking, and maybe even public transit access if you’re in a city. But it’s not just about getting there.

Of course, the location itself is only half the battle. You’ve got to zoom out and analyse how that whole neighbourhood or district is trending from an investment perspective. The goal is to find areas with solid growth indicators.

Legal Due Diligence

Before you get too excited and sign any paperwork, you need to check all the legal boxes first. Start by making sure you fully understand the local zoning laws and building codes for that specific property address. You don’t wanna buy a place thinking you can use it one way, only to find out it’s not actually allowed!

You also need to do a deep dive into the ownership and make certain zero legal issues are hanging over the property. We’re talking unpaid taxes, code violations, court cases, weird co-ownership situations – any of that stuff can turn into a big headache for you down the line. Get it all out in the open upfront.

Structural Inspection

Okay, so you found the perfect spot and double-checked that everything’s all good legally. Now, it’s time for an actual inspection of the building itself from top to bottom. And don’t just do this yourself – you need to hire an experienced professional for the job.

They’ll go over the whole structure with a fine-tooth comb – foundation, framing, roof, electrical, plumbing, heating/AC, and you name it. Getting an expert inspection ensures you know exactly what you’re getting into before buying.

Financial Analysis

Let’s be real – most investors don’t have a lot of cash just sitting around to buy a big property outright. So you’ll probably need to get a loan to make this work. And what kind of loan you go with is super important.

You need to shop around at all the different business finance brokers in your area to find the best loan deal. Compare the interest rates they’ll charge, any upfront fees, how much down payment is required, the payback timelines, and rules for qualifying.

Environmental Survey

Okay, here’s something very important that can’t be skipped – checking if the property is environmentally clean and safe. You’ll need to hire a qualified expert for an inspection.

They’ll look carefully for any nasty stuff present, like asbestos, lead paint, mouldy areas, underground storage tanks or chemically contaminated soil. They’ll also check surrounding areas since problems there could affect the property.

This inspector will let you know if everything meets all the environmental safety rules and laws for your area. If not, that could mean paying a ton of money to fix issues before you’re even allowed to occupy the building. Yikes!

Maximising Your Returns

Look, at the end of the day, this is all about making money, right? So once all the big stuff is handled, it’s time to focus on pumping up those profits.

For the income side of things, you need to stay in-the-know on rental rates each year. If the numbers say, you can bump up your own rents a fair bit to keep up with everyone else. But don’t go too crazy either – keeping rents reasonable helps you avoid tenants moving out all the time. Those long-term renters are golden.


As a property owner, some risks come with the job. But being careful minimises problems.

First up, properly check out tenants before they move in. Look into their background and pay history. Avoid problem renters who damage stuff or skip payments.

Having an iron-clad rental agreement is vital, too. Get a lawyer to review it. Include rules like security deposits and clear policies. It prevents misunderstandings later.

And don’t forget about the long game too. Setting aside money to make upgrades and renovations that increase the property’s value over time is essential. Because eventually when it’s time to sell way down the road, a freshly updated place means you’ll get way more bucks for it. For more such informative articles related to technology or news, visit here.


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